Being a missionary is a call to stepping
outside our customary roles, going beyond one's training, taking risks that are uncomfortable,
and being, in effect, all things to all men.. In this letter we share some
of the many roles we have been compelled to play, both on the field and at home.
- The common theme which unites our life in Chad and our life
in the USA is this: that Kwong men and women would gladly and lovingly
submit to the lordship of Christ, or put another way, that the Kingdom of
Heaven would so undermine the kingdom of Satan among the Kwong that it’s
collapse in the last day will be a mere formality.
That is one unifying theme of our lives - and the major one. The
other one is that we are perennially out of our depth, whether we are in
Chad or in the USA.
- We are not ethnomusicologists,
but we (more specifically Diane) tries her best to figure out the Kwong’s
pentatonic scale and complex rhythms in the hope of using them for the
praise of Christ’s glory. We are not accountants or administrators, but we
spent a year and a half doing accounting and administration, so dozens of
other missionaries could keep on doing what they do best. By all accounts
(no pun intended) we did ok at it, but ministry among the Kwong simply
stopped. Again: while Mark makes a pretense sometimes of being a theologian,
he really isn’t - he’s a linguist. But the necessity of understanding
things more profoundly and organizing them more coherently than does our
classical evangelicalism simply drives us to be theologians - so that we can
explain the gospel with a maximum of clarity and poignancy to the Kwong.
- Likewise, we are not civil
engineers, but we lengthened an airstrip a few years ago. We are not
architects but we build buildings. We are not relief workers, but we
constantly maintain a supply of grain in case that day should come. We do
not “do kids” but realize that if we don’t, and things keep going the
way they are, there won’t be a next generation of believers. Similarly, we
don’t do “AIDS awareness” but realize that there won’t be a next
generation of anybody if we don’t do something fast. We don’t
know squat about radio broadcasting, but we are building an FM radio station
- which, besides Bible teaching, will hopefully help do the AIDS
awareness thing. And last but not least, notwithstanding the many gracious
comments we hear to the contrary from our Kwong friends, we are not Kwong -
but we are called upon each and every day to behave like a Kwong, speak like
a Kwong, eat like a Kwong - in sort, to be Kwong, After this many
years, we’re getting better at it, but like the Good Book says, a leopard
can’t change his spots.
- So, we come home to the USA to
escape all this for a time. And guess what? We are not George Lucas, but we
have to put together a slam-dunk PowerPoint presentation that will wow our
jaded audiences and not exceed their stunted attention spans. We are not
layout artists, but we have to put together the all-important missionary
“display” - which we did, at considerable expense, only to discover that
nobody reads a single word on it. With luck they might glance at the
pictures. We are not preachers, but we (more particularly Mark) preaches -
something he enjoys for one Sunday, but which always renews his sympathy for
those who have do it every Sunday. Like we said, we do not in general “do
kids”, but we somehow come up with something for the kindergarten Sunday
School class - and kind of enjoy the little munchkins after all. And, last
but not least, we are not motivational speakers, but we do everything in our
power to motivate somebody, somewhere here in the USA or Canada to come out
to Chad and do the accounting, lest we be roped into it again (a very real
possibility), and another person to come run the radio station - all so we
can maximize our gifts in Kwong Bible translation.
- So what’s the point? First, if
the Lord is calling you to missionary service, don’t get too hung up on
your training. Assume, rather, that the Lord will enable you to do
anything he asks you to do - he has so enabled us. Second, do
regard your training as a potential solution to somebody’s problem - like,
say, if they need someone to run a radio station. Thirdly, the variety of
tasks involved in missionary service are unparalleled in the world. We love
it, and thank the Lord for blessing us with such a challenging ministry. And
lastly, remember, as we are so often constrained to remember, Jesus’
comforting words to Paul - and to every missionary:
- My
grace is sufficient for you, for my power is perfected in weakness. (II
Cor 12:9)