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June 2012 Prayer concerns

1. We are hosting a summer worker named Hannah for 8 weeks. Pray that she would see those things the Lord wants her to see and hear those things the Lord wants her to hear while she is in Chageen. Pray that we would be wise in guiding her through her experience here in Chad. 

2. We are beginning the translation of Revelation into Kwong. Pray that we would render this, the story of the consummation of the  Kingdom of God, is the most clear, concise way for generations of Kwong men and women to come.

3. We have been looking for a chance to raise our concerns about the Kwong church with the church leaders on the national level. So far we have not had that opportunity. Pray that we would have a chance to winsomely express our hopes and dreams for the Kwong church and that the leaders in question would take the decisive steps that only they can take to help see our dreams become a reality.

4. Thank the Lord for the rays of spiritual light which seem to be flooding Diane's ministry with Kwong women. She has a core group of about 8 women who are really dedicated to hearing and obeying the Word and seeking the Lord in prayer.

5. We are trying to get Laurent installed as an evangelist in the village of Kawalke in the far north of Kwongland. The Kwong church people are kind of apathetic about helping him move up there. Pray that the Lord would put a fire in the heart of some Kwong men and women to see this endeavor come to fruition. 

6. We really think that Laurent needs another family to join him as a team up in Kawalke. Again, trying to persuade the Kwong church of this isn't easy. Pray that the Lord would call forth someone to join Laurent and his family up there in Kawalke.

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Copyright © 2010-2012 Vanderkooi's Ministry in Chad
Last modified: June 09, 2012