live in the village of Chageen, about 250 miles to the south of the capital city
of N'Djamena. Nowadays, the road is paved (sort of) for about 200 of those
miles, and the last 50 miles are over dirt tracks in the bush. At any given
time, at least part of those 200 paved miles are quite broken up. Those 50 dirt
miles aren't too bad during the dry season but become impassable during the
rainy season (June - September). We own a Toyota Land Cruiser which has the
4-wheel drive and heave suspension necessary for the rough roads.
When the roads become
impassible or we don't care to face the hazards of Chadian roads, we use the
services of Missionary Aviation Fellowship (MAF). We have our own airstrip in
the village - about 3300 feet long and covered with grass which we spend
considerable time and effort to maintain. MAF normally has two pilots and two
Cessna aircraft in the country - an 11 seat Caravan, and a 4 seat 206 or 185. We
are always most grateful for the service our fellow missionaries in MAF provide
for us. In case of medical emergency, they would be the first people we would
Public transportation
has slowly developed in Chad. Up until a about 2005, the primary means
of public transportation was on top of a merchant's 10-ton truck. More
recently, as the government has paved many of the main roads running
between larger cities, bus companies have started up regular scheduled
service between the cities. Smaller mini-vans run off the main roads to
secondary towns. The only transportation to Chageen is still on the top
of a market truck on Sunday's and Tuesdays. Bandits and breakdowns
are the common hazards of this mode of transportation.
Kwong territory covers a crescent shaped area
roughly equivalent to two American counties. There are three main towns
- Ngam, Mobou and Chageen, where we live. The Kwong people number about
30,000 people, of which several thousand live in the larger cities of