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Mombassa Beach

100 years ago Mombassa was the gateway to East Africa through which Livingston and every other missionary passed. Today it has a very nice and inexpensive resort district. We spent a week there with Diane's brother and his family, who are missionaries in Kenya. That's Diane with her brother Jon and niece Caroline solving an engineering problem on their sand castle.  

Aberdare Country Club

We treated ourselves to 3 days at an old British colonial establishment, the Aberdare Country Club. We were rewarded by being able to see some of the animals which used to roam Chad, but have been exterminated by war and drought. Diane spent her spare time watching birds - something which has become a hobby of hers.


Mark's parents have lived and worked in Ethiopia since 1996. The mission they work with (SIM) owns a lovely rest home on a lake which fills an extinct volcano. We spent a relaxing week with them, and Mark and his Dad got some canoeing in before boarding the Ethiopian Airways flight home to Chad.

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Copyright © 2010-2011 Vanderkooi's Ministry in Chad
Last modified: June 28, 2006