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home in Chageen is unique among missionary homes in Africa. While most
missionary homes are a variation on the American "ranch house" or
"bungalow" motif, Mark attempted to capture some of sprawling Chadian
building style in this well-ventilated structure. Each room is a separate
structure arranged around a a high, central atrium of grass thatch.
The original three wings and atrium were built in 1995-96 and the guest room
and bathroom were constructed in 2001. (The second atrium and one room have not
been built.) The buildings are constructed of steel-reinforced concrete and native fired
bricks. The house has cost about $9000 to build.
The picture below (taken from our water tower in 2000 - now
the trees completely surround the house) shows the
original three wings and central atrium. The bathroom is visible behind the palm
tree, and the guest room is hidden behind the trees next to the bathroom. The
building to the far left is a workshop and storeroom. Also of note in the
picture are the solar panels on the roof of the porch.
