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has been our custom for many years, we have prepared a report of how we
have used the Lord’s monies during these last two years in Chad.
We are grateful once again to the Lord and to all of
you for making our ministry to the Kwong possible. We trust this report,
positive as it is, will be an
encouragement to you, as it has been to us.
Regular contributions during term
October 20, 2008 -
October 28, 2010 (24 Months)
Monthly Average
Yearly Average
Total over term
Regular Contributions – Oct. 2008 - Sept 2010
Personal Salary and Benefits
(averages over term)
Monthly average
Yearly average
Total over term
Personal Salary
Health Insurance
Pension (employer portion of 403b)
Total personal salary
and benefits
(56% of regular support)
Administrative Expenses (averages
over term)
Monthly average
Yearly average
Total over term
TEAM Home office services
Chad field operations
Total administrative
(13% of regular support)
After personal salary, benefits and administrative expenses were
paid, the following amounts were available for the real business of
missionary work among the Kwong. The disbursement of these funds is
detailed on the following page.
Regular support
available for Kwong ministry:
(31% of regular support
– see page 2 for details of its disbursement.)
Expenses During Term
available for ministry
fund balance from last term
from regular support (from previous page)
Total funds
available during term for ministry
Expenditures (totals over term)
missionary expenses
Chadian residency permits
Evacuation Insurance
Maintenance of Airstrip
Home improvements
Solar for electricity at house
Missionary conferences
Newsletters, communication
On-field travel for ministry
Equipment, supplies
Kwong leadership training
Furlough airfare
Kwong Bible
Monthly support for translators
Training for translators
Translation checking - Luke and Genesis
Printing of translated materials
Sale of books
FM 95.2 -
The voice of Chageen
Government operation license
Engineer’s salary
General operation expenses
Fixed tuned radios for Kwong women
Repeater antennas (in addition to special gifts)
Clinic of Chageen
Subsidy and general upkeep
Support of
Evangelical Church of Chad
Helping our Chadian brothers and sisters do ministry
ministry expenditures
remaining of ministry funds ($58,447 - 42,279)
(reserved against Toyota deficit – see note below
and chart on page 3.)
are reserving these funds against the possibility that we will have to
make good on the debt we owe TEAM for over $17,000 on the purchase of
our Toyota truck (see chart, page 3). We were victims of a dealer’s
scam in February 2000 when we bought the truck. Now, 11 years later,
after having won both primary and appellate court rulings in our favor,
the case is winding its ponderous way through the Chadian Supreme Court.
Even if we win again, it remains to be seen whether we can actually
recover all the money from the dealer. We have already recovered $3,378
from them – a sum about equal to what we have spent on lawyer
and court fees over the years.
Special Projects - Designated funds
Contributions received
Remaining Balance
Evangelical Clinic Construction
Radio Repeaters for distant villages
Chalkboards for schools
Vaccine Refrigerator for Clinic
Toyota Deficit
at beginning of term
Lawyer fees this term
Court ordered partial recovery of funds
Fall in value of US dollar
Ending deficit
note, bottom of page 2, for an explanation of this deficit.
bottom line
In the 2½ years since our
last financial report, the costs of Kwong ministry, health insurance,
pension contributions, and home office services have increased
significantly. Fortunately, our support base was good and we had some
substantial special gifts which enabled us to do ministry with ease and
finish the term in the black. For this we thank the Lord.
Because of normal attrition
in our support base, and the fact that the healthy support we just
mentioned was due in part to some special gifts, our current average
monthly support is about $600 below what we anticipate needing for this
coming term.
As the years go by, it is hard not to feel a bit self-conscious about
the considerable expense it is to keep us ministering in Chad. When Mark
made his first financial report in 1993 after his first term overseas,
it cost just $13,382 a year to him keep serving as a missionary. That
was not an ideal situation: just getting by on that amount was
difficult. But even allowing that the support base of the early 90’s
was really too low, and that we are now two instead of one, and that back then
there was no clinic, radio station, or translation project to fund, it
still amazes us that it costs upwards of $70,000 a year to fund the
missionary effort among the Kwong. The only thing still more amazing is
that the Lord’s people just keep on giving. As always, this generosity
imbues us with a deep sense of responsibility to both spend this money
carefully, and to acquit ourselves diligently of the trust which more
than 60 individuals and 7 churches have put in us.
Many thanks to each of you for your many years of dear friendship,
faithful prayers, and yes, generous support.
Mark and Diane